In this video, Shane talks about the top 10 hardest college majors according to his opinion. He also updates this video from last year, taking into consideration all the comments and opinions of viewers. Through this video, viewers will learn about the top 10 hardest college majors, why each major is considered the hardest and how it has changed from previous years. My take away from this video is that each major has its own set of challenges and the difficulty level of a major can vary from person to person. No matter how hard a major is, determination, dedication and hard work can help you succeed in any field.
CREDIT TO:Shane Hummus
10. On the list is going to be mathematics, so this one did make it on last year’s list, although it was a lot higher and the truth is. This is a very difficult major just because of the fact that most people don’t like math and are not very good at it.
However, if you are somebody who likes math or you’re really good at it, this might not be as hard, but still it’s going to be relatively difficult. Now number nine on the list is going to be chemistry, and i think everybody knows what this one is. If you major in chemistry, you will have to take a bunch of general science classes as well as physics and calculus, but some of the chemistry classes are very difficult, so, for instance, organic chemistry is famous for being extremely difficult and at a higher level, physical chemistry Is probably even harder so with chemistry, it is going to challenge you somewhat conceptually, but there’s also a lot of memorization that is involved in you know chemistry, especially if you do biochemistry or physical chem, and on top of that you will be spending a ton of Time in the lab doing lab work and then afterwards you get to write up those lovely lab reports and the average time spent preparing for class every week for a chemistry major is about 18 hours. Number eight on the list is going to be mechanical engineering, so mechanical engineering is one of the more flexible types of engineering, there’s just a ton of different things that they can do, whereas if you get into the more specific ones like petroleum engineering, for instance, you’re Somewhat limited in terms of the different jobs that you can apply for so the reason i included this on here, although it’s not the hardest engineering degree, that’s going to be on this list is because you do have to know a wide variety of things. Now, i’m not saying that mechanical engineers are jacks of all trades, they’re, definitely specialists.
You know they do know a lot, but the fact that they have to learn so much about so many different things shows that they do have to have a very wide range of skill sets. Now in the last video i went into so much detail. I talked about how much they studied every week, people’s iqs, all kinds of different objective measures and people in the comments section just like it was funny because they were like. Oh, you didn’t include this this this and this and this and like it’s impossible to include everything. The truth is there are some majors that are just objectively generally more difficult.
That means that you know, if you had a million people take major a versus a million people taking major b, one of the majors would be much harder on average than the other one in specific situations. There’s certain majors that might be really easy for some people. So you might be able to breeze through a mechanical engineering major, but you’d have trouble if you took English or music. So I just wanted to kind of comment on that, because i did get quite a few comments along those lines. Number seven on the list is going to be architecture.
Now the interesting thing about this one is you really have to have a very well-rounded skill set? Not only do you have to be good at the technical mathematical analytical left brain stuff, but you also have to be pretty good at the right brain stuff as well, because architecture is relatively creative and it’s honestly pretty rare to find people that can do both. Now, when it comes to study hours, this one is actually number one on the list at about 22 study hours per week. That’s crazy! So if you are going purely off of how long people study per week on average, this one is number one, so yeah architecture definitely keeps you busy now the truth is a lot of majors will give you a ton of busy work and it’s not necessarily difficult.
It’s just very time consuming, and so that’s why, even though there are some on this list, where people study more hours per week, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s as hard as some of the other ones number six on the list is not technically a degree, but It’s taking certain classes that you have to take in order to apply to med school, and this is done in order to cover all of these science and laboratory requirements, and it’s known as the pre-med track. Now the thing about getting into med school is it’s very difficult, so a lot of students have to apply to at least 20 different med schools in order to get accepted. I have personally seen people apply four years in a row and get rejected four years in a row, and this is multiple people. Now the average gpa of people who actually get accepted to med school is about 3.71, which is really good.
I mean that’s the average person who gets accepted to med school, but on top of that you have to take a very difficult test called the mcat which takes you know, months to study for usually and many people end up taking it multiple times and on top Of that med schools want to see that you’re involved, so you have to do a lot of community service and join clubs, and if that wasn’t enough, a lot of them also want to see that you have shadowed doctors for hundreds of hours. In many cases, oh, and did i also mention that a lot of med schools also want to see that you have worked in the medical field, so i think you get where i’m coming from here. You have to not only study really hard, but you have to do so much extra stuff in order to get into med school, it’s extremely difficult and what makes it even more difficult is the stupid plus minus system that most universities have at most universities an a Minus is a 3.70, so when you see that the average student who gets admitted to med school has a 3.71, that means the average student basically got all a’s and that’s just the average student.
That means 50 percent of them are smarter than that, and they also take a lot of hard science classes. They usually have to take like calculus physics and some of the other, tough ones as well so yeah, i think you get my point here. Pre-Med track is very difficult. Number five on the list is aerospace. Engineering, aerospace engineering is all about things that fly through the air, whether they be rockets, planes, helicopters, jets, etc, and, as you can imagine, since this has only been around for the last 100 years.
This is pretty advanced technology and it’s not the easiest stuff in the world i mean, as an aerospace engineer, you’re almost a rocket scientist, if you think about it, so yeah not going to get into too much detail here, but aerospace engineering. I think it goes without saying very, very difficult stuff number four on the list is going to be another engineering degree, and that is chemical engineering. Now on last year’s list, i basically grouped all of the engineering degrees together and i realized that’s not very fair, especially after some people kind of left comments, not all of the engineering degrees are as hard as some of the other ones, and chemical engineering is one Of the most difficult ones, it’s notorious for being incredibly difficult. In fact, many would actually argue that this one is the hardest. It is number two when it comes to the total amount of hours studied per week at about 19.
, and this one of course gets very deep into engineering concepts combined with chemistry, as well as a lot of physics. However, there is one engineering degree that i think is a little bit more difficult number three on the list is going to be electrical engineering, and this is, in my opinion, the most difficult pure engineering degree. This one is very different than all of the other engineering degrees, because you spend a ton of time learning about electronics and circuits with a lot of majors like civil engineering, for instance, you can physically touch and look at and feel what you’re learning about same with Mechanical engineering etc, whereas electrical engineering, it’s pretty much all up here, it’s completely abstract. So, for instance, you can’t really see current moving through a circuit. That’s just not something that you can see.
So you have to be able to visualize it in your head. So this major is notoriously abstract and very difficult to understand conceptually, but to be honest with you, these top five degrees are all really difficult. So you know, if you argue, chemical engineering is harder than electrical. I totally understand number two on the list is going to come as a surprise, because this one was number one last year, and that is physics now i went over this last year, but physics, you know you do study quite a bit well, over 18 hours per Week, but on top of that physics is just known for being incredibly difficult, a lot of the concepts in physics you do have to basically think about in your head, so it’s relatively abstract. You know you can’t really see electrons, for instance, but the reason i put this one as number one last year is because physics has the highest average iq out of all of the majors.
So basically, the average iq is 133 for physics majors, which is almost like a borderline genius and an iq score of 130 means you’re, probably in the top two percent of intelligence. So basically that means that the average physics major is a borderline genius. Now there is one on the list that ranked higher and the reason i looked into this one is because somebody left a comment on that last video, and that is going to be engineering physics. Yes, this is where you basically combine engineering, which there’s a ton of very difficult engineering majors with physics which last year was the most difficult major, so yeah. I don’t think much needs to be said there.
Engineering and physics, combined engineering physics, doesn’t get much harder than that now. This is a relatively rare degree, as well. Only about 601 people graduated with a bachelor’s in this one last year, and that’s honestly, probably because not very many people can so.