If you want to excel in your career, seek out a mentor or other influential people to learn from. Despite the pressures of your career, you must still live your life. Even if your current job is challenging, you should never forget to take time for yourself and learn new things. This will help you prepare for the next role, whether it is a leadership role or a lower-level role.

Before you begin your career search, assess your skills, interests, and values. You may already have a general idea of the type of work you’d like to do, but you should also take a comprehensive assessment of your skills and knowledge gaps. It is crucial to find a career that suits you and reflects your unique set of characteristics.

In the video below we’re looking at five tips from Jordan Peterson on how to find meaningful work. Jordan Peterson is a university professor. He’s a clinical psychologist, he’s a best selling author, and he is a YouTube channel with over 1 million subscribers.

Credit To: Backstage Careers

Career Tips: Tip1 Pick One path

very necessary for people at some point in their life to dedicate themselves to a single game of some sort, which is kind of what you’re doing in university. You know, you have to become one thing at some point in your life, and the sacrifice, of course, is that you give up all the other things that you could become, but the, you don’t really have a choice because if you don’t decide voluntarily to become one thing, you know, to become a, a disciplined adherent of some specific practice or profession or viewpoint, then you risk just aging chaotically and you don’t get away with not aging. So you might as well age into something that’s, that’s actually something rather than just remaining or then just becoming an old child, which is really not a, not a good thing. It’s not a good thing to see, especially by the time people hit about 40. It’s not, it’s not, it’s not pretty.


Number two is noticed a work that engages you.

I think you can find what compels you and what might enable you to live in a high quality manner despite the suffering that’s associated with life. I think you can discover that, and I think part of the way you discover that is by watching yourself and learning when it is that you’re meaningfully engaged, you have to notice that it’s something that happens to you in some sense, rather than something that you do. You have to notice when you’re meaningfully engaged, and then you have to work to expand the amount of time that you spend in that state.

Tape number three is find work that matches your temperament.

So you need to know what your temperament is, and then you need to know the temperamental demands of the job. Now, most jobs are, are mastered with a combination of intelligence and conscientiousness, but the other temperamental factors play a moderating role. So, for example, extroverted people tend to be entertainer types and highly social. And so if you’re interested, for example, in, if you’re extroverted, then a career in sales is something that you might consider or career that involves a lot of public communication and interaction with groups. Whereas you’re an introvert, you’re gonna work, you’re gonna wanna work a lot more. you’re going to be suited to work on a, in a solitary manner a lot more. If you’re agreeable, you’re going to be suited for taking care of people. If you’re disagreeable, then you’re a tough bargainer and a harsh negotiator. And, and, litigators, for example, lawyers are, are, often low in agreeableness.

So if you are conscientious, well that tends to be a very good trait for any kind of managerial and administrative job. And, and for, for, for simpler jobs as well. it’s a great predictor of military prowess, for example, if you’re high in openness, then you’re gonna want a creative career. And that might make you an entrepreneur or a musician or an artist of that or something like that. that’s often very, very difficult to monetize. But, one of the funny things about openness is that if you’re high in openness, it’s not that helpful at the bottom of hierarchies because you’re basically expected at the bottom of most hierarchies to act more or less like a functionary. But it becomes of critical importance at the top of hierarchy. So it’s a personality trait whose utility can really kick in in the later stages of your career. Because in really complex positions where things are changing dynamically, you need to have a high intelligence and you also need to be, creative.

Tip number four is a little controversial, but it’s fine work that matches your IQ guys.

You gotta know that there are differences. Intelligence, it’s really important. If you go into a job and you’re not smart enough for that job, you’re gonna have one bloody miserable time and you’re gonna make life wretched for the people around you because you won’t be able to handle the position. And as you climb hierarchies of competence, the demand on fluid intelligence increases. And so unless you want to fail, you don’t put yourself in over your head. But what you really wanna do, as far as I can tell, if you want to maximize your chances for both success and, and let’s say wellbeing is you want to find a strata of occupation in which you would have an intelligence that would put you in the upper quartile, that’s perfect. Then you’re a big fish in a small pond and you don’t want to be this, you don’t wanna be the stupidest guy in the room.

It’s a bloody rough place to be. So, and you probably don’t want to be the smartest guy in the room either, because what that probably means is you should be in a different room, right You should look at a place where if you’re right at the top, it’s you’ve mastered it, it’s time to go somewhere where you’re a little lower so that you’ve got something to climb up for. Okay So how smart do you have to be to be different things in life Well,

if you are have an IQ of a 116 to 130, which is 85 percentile on the about, then you can be a attorney, a research analyst, an editor and advertising manager, a chemist, an engineer and executive manager, et cetera. IQ of 1 15, 1 10 to one 15. So that’s 85 to 73rd, 85 percentile copywriter, accountant manager, sales manager, sales analyst, general manager per purchasing agent, registered nurse, sales account executive on no three to 1 0 8 is slightly above average, right

60th to 70th percentile. Store manager, bookkeeper, credit clerk, lab tester, general sales, telephone sales, accounting clerk, computer operator, customer service rep, technician, clerk, typist. So you see at this level, people are, people have some technical skill and some ability to deal with complex things. Hundred is average dispatcher in a general office, police, patrol officer, receptionist, cashier, general clerical, inside sales clerk, meter reader, printer teller, data entry, electrical helper, 95th to 98, Machinist, food depart manager, quality control checker, security guard, unskilled labor maintenance, arc welder, d setter, mechanic, Good, good IQ range for relatively qualified tradespeople, 87 to 93, messenger factory production worker, assembler, food service worker, nurses, aid, warehouseman, custodian janitor, material handler, packer,


Number five. And also the last tip is have high ambitions.

You have a point, you have your aim, you have your ambition, and then that’s what turns the world into a potentially positive place. And here’s the kicker, this is so cool. The higher the aim, the more the positive emotion. So that’s, that’s, you think, Well, why should I bother You know, why should I bother doing something lofty and difficult It’s like, cuz it’s worth it. That’s why cuz the alternative is stupid suffering. Because really, really, because what happens is like, you don’t need a framework in order to suffer. You can just lay there day after day, and suffer, right That’s easy. So that’s the default condition. If you don’t have a lofty ambition, then you suffer miserably. And the reason for that is life is really complex, short, finite, full of suffering and beyond you. And so you can just lay there and think about that and it’s horrible.

And so that’s not helpful. It’s just not useful. And so, you know, people often say life is meaningless. It’s like, no it’s not. That’s wrong. Cuz if it was meaningless, that’d be easy. You could just sit there and do nothing and it wouldn’t matter, right It’d be like you were lo like a, you were like a lo lobotomized sheep. It’s just irrelevant. But that isn’t what happens when people say that life has no meaning. That isn’t what they mean. What they mean is I’m suffering stupidly and intensely and I don’t know what to do about it. Well, the suffering is meaningful, It’s just not the kind of meaning you want. So how do you get out of that You adopt you, you, you note the baseline of suffering, which is very, very, very, very high. And then you say to yourself, Okay, I need to do something that justifies that. And that’s not so easy because it’s the baseline for suffering is high. If you’re gonna make something of yourself, let’s say, so that it’s worthwhile to exist in the world, then you have to do, you have to aim at something that’s so well structured that you can say, Yeah, earthquakes, cancer, death of my family, dissolution of my goals, ultimate futility of life and the heat death of the universe. Hey, it doesn’t matter. It’s worth it.



  • Mya Longton

    Bromley, England, United Kingdom · Freelance Writer · Skin Care HQ I'm totally fanatic about further education, family, health, beauty, love cooking and traveling. Look forward to sharing best ideas with as many people as possible.

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