When you study in an online college, chances are you will have classmates from different states, countries, or continents. This could result in many differences, complications, and insights that only such a diversified group could bring. Because of that, you will not only learn about your course but about a few other things too.
There could have unexpected insights due to different cultures
Depending on the subject and the students’ level of involvement, the contribution of online learners to discussions can be as much as their instructors’. For instance, psychology, philosophy, and history students often have a range of opinions when they have classroom deliberations. However, there could have a much more extensive range of insights if you have the perspectives of online learners from across the globe.
Someone might challenge your ideas about the world.
Because students in online learning come from all over the world, a collaboration between those with different beliefs, thoughts, and experiences happen. That means that you will work with people who may not share the same ideas or feelings about a topic. Through that, you will have the opportunity to appreciate those differences and even agree that their beliefs are valid.
This promotes a sense of empathy, especially for those who have beliefs that challenge other students’ values. It can also change the ideas that some students identified themselves with. Additionally, it will teach students to bridge differences of thought with more respect and open-mindedness toward those who have different beliefs.
You might change your classmate’s point of view.
As much as you can learn from experiencing your classmates’ world, they too can experience the world from your perspective. You can inspire your fellow students and stimulate their interests in the same way that they do to you. The only thing you need to do is share with them your unique views, culture, and perspective, and that will help them gain something.